7 Jun 2015

New Advertising Method - Very Innovative

Do you see a widget on the right side called
 "Make Money Now"?

It is really an innovative way with some excitement.

The beauty is that it is FREE

It is from Augine Cyber Real Estate

What is Augine Cyber Real Estate?

Augine Cyber Real Estate is a game of owning and trading land. Each landlord will be able to post any type of content that will be blasted through out the Cyber Lands of Augine.

This is a brand new way of sending you message to thousands of sites, in a fun and challenging way. 

The object of the game is to acquire the most lands so that your message will be seen by more.

How it Works?

When you join you will have $50 credit in your account. (This is not real money)
 But you can reap a big benefit from it in Promoting your business.
  • New member, begin at AG$50
  • The max price of land is AG$50,000
  • All lands lose 1% of price everyday as operating fee.
  • Max speed-up 10x, click "like" to speed up by 2, click "skip it" to speed up by 1.
  • The land trading price increases by 20% after every trade, 85% revenue for the previous buyer, 2% for land owner.
  • Rent land is based on days, a max of 10 days. 50% revenue for land buyer, 30% for land owner.
  • Land startup Price is AG$50.
  • Lost Land: If the traffic from a widget equals 0 visitors for 10 days, that land will be deleted. When a land is deleted 85% funds in that land will be returned to the previous land buyer.
Presently these are the statistics of the lands available
You also get a fair idea as to what type of businesses are seeing higher response 


Have a look at my Lands here


Just click on Subscribe on the widget and join the fun of this promoting system .
If you are a serious marketer with online business or even have traditional business with products, you can soon see the results of promoting through this system if you use it correctly.

There is no Actual Money Involved so go ahead.